SCP-087 And SCP-087-1 + SCP-087 Crying Sound Effect

Hey Reglias I Have An Idea For A New SCP, Guess What SCP I'm Talking About, Here's A Hint: "appears as face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth."-The SCP Foundation, If U Guessed It Was SCP-087 And SCP-087-1 Your Correct!
Since I Don't Want To Make A Model Of SCP-087 And SCP-087-1, Can You Be Wise And Scrap SCP-087-1 From This Site
Also Since Every Subject Hears Crying Noises, I'm Giving You This Female Crying Sound Effect Which Was Scrapped From This Video
I Thought To Get To SCP-087, It Requires A Level 2 Keycard To Open It, Then The Player Will Walk Outside Of The SCP Foundation, Without The MTFs Noticing, To A Place Called "The Endless Staircase", Outside The Building, I Thought You Could Add These Documents Based On These Documents:
(Optional) I Thought You Could As Channel 6 On The Radio Of The Audio Adaption Of The Documents Based On These Youtube Videos: ... ...
(Document 087-III Audio Adaption Is Still Unknown.)
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: SCP-087 And SCP-087-1 + SCP-087 Crying Sound Effect

CommanderPro100 wrote:He's already made it clear that he would not add 087 mainly because it wouldn't make sense for it to be in the same building as 173 and 106 and also because their are already several games about it already.
It Isn't In The Same Building Just READ The Idea I Made >:-(
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: SCP-087 And SCP-087-1 + SCP-087 Crying Sound Effect

Seriously? The player exiting the Foundation safely and just walking up to a building with a sign saying "The Endless Staircase"? No. 087 is located in the abandoned stairwell of some university, which could be hundreds of miles away from a top secret organization's site.

Keep your ideas to the SCP suggestion thread please.
It slep time bunner.