096 "new area" idea



lul, so like 096 needs a NEW spot. He just is boring nao. He needs to be a roaming character, BUT with something over his face, giving the player a choice to look. (Good way for begginers to know if you see his face he gets mad.

so like,...... ,., ,yeah
I have spoken to God.
He has abandoned us.

Re: 096 "new area" idea

Personally I think the current 096 event is terrifying. I don't think it would be good for 096 to be a free-roaming enemy, because the player could easily enter and room and automatically see its face without having any chance to react, which would result in a lot of cheap deaths. Also, in the current event the guard that sees 096's face is killed, which properly introduces the "if-you-see-its-face-you-die" mechanic.
Battling the forces of evil and stupidity~
I admire the horror genre like I admire women: From far away with a pair of binoculars