Audio Logs Suggestion

I don't know if it has been mentioned before, but I had the idea of having some audio logs implemented in the game. The audio logs could have their own individual rooms or they could be placed in some of the already existing rooms. The logs would be just some of the addendum's you see on the wiki.

I was thinking that they would just be little tape recorders that you would find. You would press them like you would do with the button of the door.Then you would just chill and listen to them. There could also be a little animation of the tape moving through the tape recorder to make it a little more life like.

I know this isn't really an important thing, I just thought it would be cool if it was put into the game.

Re: Audio Logs Suggestion

It also doesn't even have to be the SCP's in game. We could have some audio logs of some other SCP's as well. Which could be fun for the player. Although the main SCP's I was thinking about was SCP-895, and SCP-682. One, they already have addendum's and two, they can tell you the traits of them before you see them. With 895 mainly because it's already in game, the audio log can warn the player not to watch the screen that's in it's containment area, because the addendum tells how 895 causes it's effects through video feed and such. Also with 682 it shows how powerful it is, plus Regalis mentioned there might be a hallway or something that you get chased by 682 in, so why not have an audio log for it before the chase, you listen to the audio log then the chase can happen once it's done.

Re: Audio Logs Suggestion

Audio and Video logs are a great way to immerse some one in a world, Tons of games do it, Bioshock is well known for it's Audi logs, and Dead space has also exploited the use of Video and Audio logs.

Perhaps have logs of conversation between Dr's and Scientists, maybe of D-Class, Maybe of secret communications with other groups that are against the Foundation.

Re: Audio Logs Suggestion

Something I also thought of was that maybe some of the audio/video logs could be the switches to start an event. So an example would be listening to an audio log of 106 and then he starts chasing you when it's finished (I know it's not the best example).

I like having ideas and people like my ideas. Makes me feel like a contributor.