Re: The New Suggestions Thread

legendaryweredragon wrote:
Ravenxeo wrote:
legendaryweredragon wrote:Here is another suggestion for the day.

SCP 796 River Cat
In game mechanics: When you start a new game there is a small probability of this thing stalking you throughout the game. You can see it when you are in dark areas, usually following a short distance behind you, sometimes making soft footstep sounds.
(I think that this one is already in OnyxDarkKnight's list at the beginning of this thread)
Um...isn't there only one place with River Cats in it..? and isn't it out in the wild?
And..don't they live and hunt completely out of that single stretch of water and never leave the water unless its to kill people really close to the water..?

Also: I wouldn't call 173 'terror' It starts as fear, moves on to 'nervous anticipation' and quickly becomes 'severe annoyance'.
No, you are confusing it with a different SCP. SCP 796 River Cat is a shadow monster that looks like a cat and follow around people who are in danger of dying. The SCP you are thinking of is 856 "Leopotamus"
OHHH THAT one...

Ok then, thats fine I guess..But i think it should be contained with a dead body and when you open the door you see it but then it vanished. Much like 372 it then follows you around but you don't see it. Only hear it randomly.
legendaryweredragon wrote:
Abincyprus wrote: But why didn't the foundation destroy it?
They just haven't done it yet probably because they have not yet figured out the best way to do it. Most likely what they are currently doing is running some final tests on it so that they can figure out the safest and most efficient way of killing it while also collecting as much data as possible since they are scientists and want to learn as much as possible about it before it is gone forever. And of course, killing it probably will not be easy. It probably will be easier to kill than 682, but still quite hard, and they most likely want to get it done right the first time.
The Foundation don't just destroy everything that could kill people..
They SHOULD but they get money for keeping them.
Its easily contained so they just keep it locked away to get them their funding. Plus, Attempting to kill or destroy things has ended REALLY badly in the past so they generally don't try unless its desperate.
Up and Down and All around.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Ravenxeo wrote:
legendaryweredragon wrote:
Abincyprus wrote: But why didn't the foundation destroy it?
They just haven't done it yet probably because they have not yet figured out the best way to do it. Most likely what they are currently doing is running some final tests on it so that they can figure out the safest and most efficient way of killing it while also collecting as much data as possible since they are scientists and want to learn as much as possible about it before it is gone forever. And of course, killing it probably will not be easy. It probably will be easier to kill than 682, but still quite hard, and they most likely want to get it done right the first time.
The Foundation don't just destroy everything that could kill people..
They SHOULD but they get money for keeping them.
Its easily contained so they just keep it locked away to get them their funding. Plus, Attempting to kill or destroy things has ended REALLY badly in the past so they generally don't try unless its desperate.
No, they actually have scheduled it for termination, it says so in the article. And it is not easy to contain because there are photos containing its face outside of containment that civilians took without realizing it because when it is really far away and you see its face it does not trigger its berserk mode if you don't look hard enough. This is the reason why they want to terminate it. Without any warning, somebody could look too closely at a photo with its face in the distant background, and this would be a disaster if it happened in a populated area.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

legendaryweredragon wrote: -snip-
Someone deleted my older reply post lol
Anyways, if the foundation was a real thing, I would expect them to destroy even the "safest" things like SCP013 (SCP013's effects turn you cognitively permanently into a woman... foundation y u no destroy yet?) Also, why is SCP096 Euclid? It looks like a Keter to me.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Abincyprus wrote:
legendaryweredragon wrote: -snip-
Someone deleted my older reply post lol
Anyways, if the foundation was a real thing, I would expect them to destroy even the "safest" things like SCP013 (SCP013's effects turn you cognitively permanently into a woman... foundation y u no destroy yet?) Also, why is SCP096 Euclid? It looks like a Keter to me.
Because as said on the site, the foundations motto is search Contain protect, not search destroy protect.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Abincyprus wrote:
legendaryweredragon wrote: -snip-
Someone deleted my older reply post lol
Anyways, if the foundation was a real thing, I would expect them to destroy even the "safest" things like SCP013 (SCP013's effects turn you cognitively permanently into a woman... foundation y u no destroy yet?) Also, why is SCP096 Euclid? It looks like a Keter to me.
It's not Keter because it "only" gets aggressive and unpredictable if someone sees its face. If it attacked everyone nearby and breached containment regualy, it would be keter.
Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Akatos wrote:~
As I was reading the scp wiki, I noticed things things that are less dangerous than 096 being put as Keter. SCP-902... It doesnt even touch you and the foundation would have understood its a cognitohazard. Anyhow I dont wanna discuss 096 anymore because it is it's author's creation. Just sayin
SCP-500 wrote:~
I read somewhere that their point was to secure anomalous objects for the help of humanity. Or to destroy the things that are not. What if one day all the sh*t gets out? Xk class scenario?

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Abincyprus wrote: As I was reading the scp wiki, I noticed things things that are less dangerous than 096 being put as Keter. SCP-902... It doesnt even touch you and the foundation would have understood its a cognitohazard. Anyhow I dont wanna discuss 096 anymore because it is it's author's creation. Just sayin
Some people rank SCPs poorly every once in a while.

Also, the SCP Foundation says this about Keter:
SCP Foundation wrote:A Keter classification indicates that not only is this subject capable of inflicting devastating harm to human life and civilization, but that containment protocols must be extensive, involved, and precisely followed in order to prevent it from doing so.
SCP-096 is, thankfully, not hard to keep in containment.

I've become a gorilla.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Abincyprus wrote: As I was reading the scp wiki, I noticed things things that are less dangerous than 096 being put as Keter. SCP-902... It doesnt even touch you and the foundation would have understood its a cognitohazard. Anyhow I dont wanna discuss 096 anymore because it is it's author's creation. Just sayin
I read somewhere that their point was to secure anomalous objects for the help of humanity. Or to destroy the things that are not. What if one day all the sh*t gets out? Xk class scenario?
I think the reason why 902 is keter is because it is impossible to know enough about 902 to be able to judge whether or not it actually is dangerous or not without being effected. Everybody who knows about it believes it is dangerous, although the people effected by it are at least able to recognize that it is effecting their minds and so they are careful who finds out about it. Anybody who would disagree with it being keter wouldn't be able to prove anything because they wouldn't know anything about it, and if they did try to find out if it is dangerous then they would be effected by it too.

The primary purpose of the foundation is to protect humanity from the paranormal and maintain normalcy. The secondary purpose is to study the paranormal and hopefully come to understand it for the sake of science and possibly advancement. You sound like you are not very familiar with the foundation. Read a whole lot more SCP articles and tales and then you should understand what to expect from the foundation.
Let's throw everything in and see what happens!

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Sseaal wrote:SCP-096 is, thankfully, not hard to keep in containment.
Dayum, the foundation (or the people who write SPC articles) have to deeply think about the SCP classification. Well, since some objects are easy to contain but are Keter. :laugh:
Anyways, the SCP wiki is written by numerous people and it's alright to make mistakes... But it bugs me.
legendaryweredragon wrote: I think the reason why 902 is keter.
Just by reading the SCP document you can just see that the scientist (story-wise) who wrote it was obviously paranoid. You don't have to be a psychologist for that... And an organization that works with things that are beyond our knowledge should see that. :)
legendaryweredragon wrote:
The primary purpose of the foundation...
I understand the foundation's role, it's obvious. But they make a handful of mistakes. :laugh: