Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

So, most people have been talking about subtitles and whatnot. I converted most of the audio to a text file so Regalis or a modder can easily add subtitles. Should be simple enough. Trigger a message for when a sound file plays, maybe?


The link is completely safe, you can trust me.

I couldn't understand *some* of the audio files. Due to the filter Regalis is using being too heavy or distorting the voices too much. But most of it is correct.
Last edited by Irontaco on Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

I'll see what subtitles I can help transcribe.

Edit: Okay, corrections: (Italics = something I edited) There's also various grammar and capitalization misses here and there that can be fixed in MS Word, or something.

Line 2: "Just follow me,"

"Heh-are you deaf or what? Do as i said, or we'll just terminate you and get the guy from the next cell."

"Mobile Task Force unit Nine-Tailed-Fox has entered the facility. All remaining survivors are advised to stay in an evacuation shelter, or any safe area until the unit has secured the facility. We'll start escorting personnel out when the escaped SCPs have been recontained."

**There he is in twice. Just saying.

This is CH1 to OH-6: Have you located the target?

OH-6 to CH1: No sign of the target. I think we should send in an MTF-...

CH1 to OH-6: Do you copy?"

"This is Dr. L speaking. Dr.Maynard, please report in Gate B...Dr. Maynard, do you copy?

This is Agent Ulgrin sir, i'm afraid Dr.Maynard is still inside the facility.

Oh, um, do you have any idea of his location or if he's still alive?

Negative sir, all we know is that he hasn't made it out yet.

Copy that, this place is such a goddamn maze and he has been working here only for a week, so it's no wonder he couldn't find his way out. Uh, i hope he's still hanging in there.

I guess we'll find out when Mobile Task Force goes in."

"This is Security Chef Franklin. Dr.Harp, do you copy?

This is Dr.Harp, in in the middle of something here, so please be quick.

I believe that the incident report of 106's breach this morning is still on your computer?

THat's right, um, feel free to read it if you can reach my office.

Or we can just read the file from the facility Internet, we'll need your access code to do that of course.

Oh yeah well, um, sounds good, um, as i said i'm pretty busy now, we're giving the Mobile Task Force a 'lil brief before sending them in. I'll get there and give you the code when we're done. Shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes.

I-i'm sorry but we need that file right now. I know it's against the security protocol, but considering the circumstances, couldn't you just give me the code through the radio? I know it won't make the situation any worse no matter who's listening to this.

Oh, yeah, I-i think you're right, the code is 7816.

Copy that."

"Movement in Sector B.

Uhm, seems to be some Class D.

Heh, i bet you fifty bucks that as he won't make it another five minutes."

"Oh...Hello? Is anyone out there?....I don't know what-...I don't-...Oh god it's coming...Someone...Please anyone...Please...Someone needs to broadcast this station at once...Please...Oh god what is that?....What is that?...Oh-..."

Femur Breaker:

You're listening to SCP Foundation On-site Radio! Your 24/7 source of pre-recorded messages.

A reminder, in the event of a XK-class end-of-the-world scenario, don't panic! It won't help. Nothing at all will help. However, panicking will help probably the least.

Report all suspect behaviour to your supervisors immediately. If you haven't seen any unusual behaviour recently, you're not looking hard enough. A threat to security can originate from anywhere and no one is free from suspicion. Not even you. Stay paranoid. Stay vigilant.

Should you hear a different voice announcing for SCP Foundtaion On site radio, disregard it entirely. He's not a foundation employee! He's trying to trick you and cannot be trusted. Any advice from him can only inevitably lead to destruction, death, and utter chaos. You are immeasurably better off listening to me.

In the extreme unlikely event of a catastrophic power failure and subsequent facility-wide containment breach, just remember the crisis ABCs. A for Armaments. B for Blinking, or the lack of. And C for Cardiovascular fortitude. As they say, Shoot, stare and sprint! Or feed the incoming monster one of your friends. Stay alive, stay vigilant.

Don't forget! Wednesday is pizza day! So head on down to the cafeteria and grab yourself a hot slice! The SCP Foundation holds no liability for any injuries or illnesses sustained or contracted through the attendance of pizza dough-

When dining at the facility cafeteria, always remember to check your ration for the deadly seven. Strychnine, Arsenic Trioxide, Nitrobenzene, Mercury, Epichlorohydrin, Acetone Thiosemicarbazone, and spiders. Stay healthy! Stay vigilant.

Ugh, let's just say that last Radio segment took a lot outta me.
It slep time bunner.

Re: Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

Yes, it was intranet, Omniary got it wrong in there.

Ugh, i'm sorry for doing so many mistakes. The filter Regalis uses is too heavy, and also because of me not knowing enough english for writing all of it. And indeed the radio ones are quite hard to write in some parts.

I'll add your corrections to the original file then upload it again in the main post. Kudos for you Omniary.

Edit: Done.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

Working on Español subtitles, gonna edit this when I'm done

Here they are, do not read if you are alergic to fidedos hopefully any chilean will understand the last word

Code: Select all


Obtuvieron trabajo para ti, por favor sal de la celda

Solo sigueme. Estamos autorizados a matar cualquier sujeto de prueba desobediente asi que no intentes nada estupido

 Aca estamos, entra ahi y sigue las instructiones de la intercom y probablemente estaras bien..


¿Eres sordo o que? Haz lo que digo, o te terminaremos y sacaremos al tipo de la otra celda

Este debe ser retardado o algo asi. Cierren la puerta y abran las valvulas de gas


¡Camino incorrecto! Ven para aca ahora mismo

¡Apresurate! Te estan esperando

No estoy de humor para esta mierda. No tengo problemas en poner una bala en tu cabeza si no cooperas

¡Muy bien! Asi lo quieres, buscaremos a alguien mas

Yo me encargo del cuerpo, ve tu y busca a otro


Atencion todo el Personal Clase-D, por favor entren a la camara de contencion

Por favor acerquense a SCP-173 para pruebas

 Uh, al parecer hay un problema con el sistema de control de puertas, las puertas no responden a todos nuestros intentos de cerrarlas, asi que, por favor mantenga contacto visual directo con SCP-173 y....

¿Pero que..?


Sujeto D-9341, entra a la camara de contencion or seras terminado

Esta es tu ultima advertencia, tienes 5 segundos para cumplir

Sujeto D-9341 designado para exterminacion, disparen



El sitio esta experimentando multiples violaciones de contencion clase Keter y Euclid, ¡Cierre completo del sitio iniciado!

Unidad Mobile Task Force Nine-Tailed-Fox a entrado al sitio, todos los sobrevivientes restantes seran avisados a permanecer en un bunker de evacuacion, o cualquier zona segura hasta que la unidad haya asegurado el sitio. Comenzaremos escortando personal afura cuando los SCP escapados hayan sido recontenidos

Detonaremos las Bombas Alpha in T-90 segundos. Todo el personal es avisado a abordar el helicoptero mas cercaco o entar a un Bunker inmediatamente

Fuimos incapazes de detonar las bombas por razones desconocidas. Todos los helicopteros y unidades MTF vuelvan a la Compuerta-B inmediatamente. Capturar SCP-682 es nuestra prioridad numero uno.

¡SCP-106 a espacado del sitio en la Compuerta-A! ¡Disparen la Torreta-HID inmediatamente! ¡NO le permitan traspasar el puente!

Control a Nine-Tailed-Fox. Puerta Tesla desactivada


Clase-D detectado

!Para ahi mismo!

Objetivo perdido. Volviendo a mision original

Objetivo eliminado

Nine-Tailed-Fox a control. Solicitando la desactivacion de la Puerta Tesla mas cercana

Llegamos a la sala de contencion de SCP-106.

Iniciando el Protocolo de Recuperacion....SCP-106 contenido exitosamente

Al parecer alguien ya capturo a SCP-106, procediendo a misiones secundarias

Encontramos a SCP-106

Ahi esta


Humano, escucha cautelosamente. Tu necesitas my ayuda y yo necesito la tuya. Has desactivado el sistema de control remoto de puertas. Esto hace significantemente dificil estar en el control de este sitio. Tambien significa que tu boleto de salida esta cerrado. Tu unica forma facil de escapar es por la Compuerta-B, que esta cerrada. Yo sin embargo puedo abrir las puertas de la Compuerta-B si reactivas el sistema de control de las puertas. Si quieres salir, ve a sala de electricidad y enciendela

Asi que, prefieres morir aca, muy bien

Las puertas a la Compuerta-B, estan abiertas

Remeber this is WIP so, later I'll finish every line, they are so much
Last edited by FoxMccloud64 on Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.

Re: Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

Irontaco wrote:Yes, it was intranet, Omniary got it wrong in there.
Oops, I misheard that I guess; I couldn't initially tell due me passing it off as an 'odd accent' and just a letter where it shouldn't have.
I think I should be revered for my translation on the deadly 7 though. X:
It slep time bunner.

Re: Subtitle file for SCP:CB! :D

Omniary wrote:
Irontaco wrote:Yes, it was intranet, Omniary got it wrong in there.
Oops, I misheard that I guess; I couldn't initially tell due me passing it off as an 'odd accent' and just a letter where it shouldn't have.
I think I should be revered for my translation on the deadly 7 though. X:
Indeed you should. I found it to be the hardest part so i just left it behind.

roger copy bravo tango mango