An idea for human models

Take SCP-096's placeholder model, Fatten it up a bit and make the mouth more normal but openable

and blammo

you now have lipsync for nitpicky people.

((put expression of fear on black class-D that dies in intro corpse, and suprise for white class-D because of wtf.ogg only makes him gasp at the beginning))

but yeah, could be useful for some scripted sequences, I'm not asking anything too big and this is more of a minor thing, but i suggest mouths to look like this if you want it to be low-poly:

<=> okay yeah that looks really bad but imagine a diamond shape sideways and animate that if possible, and realism :D

So yeah, that's my idea, and i think it'd work perfectly

fun fact: i got the idea from serimah's GIMME DEM TITTEHS 096 placeholder pic
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: An idea for human models

Cridone wrote:
Skin_ wrote:Oooor... you could just use a new human model... It 'aint that hard to do.
It's pretty hard to make a human model.

We could steal one from G'Mod

No wait, that's a terrible idea.
The plague doctor and the zombies both have great looking humanoid models already. If you honestly think it would be so hard to do, the zombie could just have its face made a bit more normal (not sunken eye sockets etc.) and new animations added. Maybe a lab coat too and various other details. It would make sense to have them look the same as the zombies since they are... or were... human.

Re: An idea for human models

Cridone wrote:
Skin_ wrote::|
That's a good idea actually.

But I think we should keep the human models we have now. That way we can have two classds that aren't identical.
Possibly, they just aren't great quality right now compared to some of the other models. I think if a bunch more NPCs (sorry, probably wrong term used here) were ever added, which would be great since the facility feels suddenly very empty, there could be a basic generic one (multiple skins too!! :D) , THEN a few special ones with a few added details for more important characters. I totally agree with you on how they should not be too identical.