Re: The New Suggestions Thread

You know what SCP I feel should be in. Even though I post on this thread a lot, I feel SCP-718 should be in the game. Looking at it causes a blur effect akin to the paranoia it gives to its victims. The player could either leave the chamber or wherever it would appear since it appears to be mobile. Or interact with 718 causing it to explode onto the player. And as time goes on after the explosion a description will appear saying "You noticed a bulbous black mark on [Body Part here]", then after a few more minutes a event like with the 049 death scene, will show the player either jumping off a rail or high place (Almost like the Irrlicht Port where theres a suicide option apparently), rushing to a MTF or an SCP, and possibly finding a handgun and then a loud gunshot is heard followed by a black screen. The death message will display "The body of a lone D-Class was found in [DATA REDACTED] dead after (One of the suicide options), quick look at the body showed that the D-Class has encountered SCP-718." However getting shot by the MTFs would display a different message.
Check out my mod here!

Novice Sound Effect creator/Editor.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

SCP Number:SCP-040,SCP-040-1a,SCP-040-1c,and SCP-040-1j.
Nickname:Evolution's Child.
SCP Ingame mechanics:Could be seen crying in her containment cell.(cries could also be heard if close enough) with her ''pet's'' around her trying to comfort her,if the player runs in her containment cell to quick he/she (depending who's playing) will accidentally be ''mutated'' by SCP-040 due to her current emotional state in game,and the death message would read:''A new entity was found inside of SCP-040's containment cell.Subject possessed small serrated fangs and was able to ''shoot'' an unknown type of poison from small holes on it's face'',subject was terminated after testing.But if the player walked in the containment cell slow enough,SCP-040-1a would take a defensive posture and protect SCP-040 and SCP-040-1c would make several high pitched musical notes.And SCP-040 will attempt to run out of her containment cell if SCP-173,or SCP-106 were to be in the room.Her ''pet's'' would also follow her when she does this.
And she could look something like this: ... 50/040.jpg.
She could also have some kids toys in her containment cell and it should take a level 2 keycard or higher to get in her containment cell.And her containment cell would be found in the light containment zone.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

SCP number: SCP-075
SCP nickname: the Corrosive Snail.
In game mechanics: This SCP would roam around in the metal pipe hallways, leaving a trail of corrosion in it's wake, and when the player find it, it would be perched onto a wall, with a thick puddle of corrosion underneath it. If the player gets to close, it will fall off the wall and land on the floor, and try to attack the player at a high speed (around the speed of 106). It will chase the player and when catching you it will jump at your leg and cause seriously bad bleeding, making the player much slower. If the player finds it's containment chamber nearby by following the trails it made, you can find a metallic room with corrosion smeared all over it. When outside of it, you can find an injection needle that you can use to inject yourself giving you corrosion resistance for a short time (7 mins). When entering the room you can see a dead body with the 106victim skin, and a bonus severed hand. Maybe another location for a duck :duck: .

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

the alarm sound have to be changed because its heard like lazy guy trying to play tuba why we dont change the old alarm sound into a police like alarm and when the alarm is turned off will say in cheerish voice death awaits and followed by children laugh and the children laugh will become distorted slowy and it fade away. and how about we add some siren light in some and will turn on after the breach. also lets turn the red room in to dark room with siren light


Re: The New Suggestions Thread

I hope that this is the kind of page in looking for to make suggestions for the games improvement. I would just like to say many of my friends and myself that play this game have suggested adding a multiplayer into SCP containment breach. I'm hoping that I posted this on a place to where the game creators ad developers will see it and think about it. Thanks for reading.

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

Vinnieboombots wrote:I hope that this is the kind of page in looking for to make suggestions for the games improvement. I would just like to say many of my friends and myself that play this game have suggested adding a multiplayer into SCP containment breach. I'm hoping that I posted this on a place to where the game creators ad developers will see it and think about it. Thanks for reading.

they are already working on a multiplayer mod, but it could take a while cause of the irrlicht project

Re: The New Suggestions Thread

SCP Number: SCP-248
SCP Nickname: 110%
Ingame Mechanics: Could be found in an office, such as Dr. Maynard or Dr. L ('Dr Mize' could be added, but it's extra work) and can be obtained by finding SCP-248's corroded document in SCP-106's Main Chamber (because that place needs some love), which has the code (randomized) to the fireproof safe. Once the player has the sticker book, (There doesn't have to be 49 stickers, as that's a bit op) due to the containment breach only 1 page (2 stickers) can be found. They can be used like combining items, sticking them on to almost anything such as a Keycard, Gas Mask, etc and would work like SCP-914's Fine setting, upgrading the item how it would upgrade in Fine. (Just a little extra idea I came up with, the player could combine the 2 stickers into a '220% SCP-248' and would upgrade the item like SCP-914's Very Fine setting, and would negate the negative chance. For example, using a 220% SCP-248 on a keycard would automatically upgrade it to Keycard Omni without the chance of getting a Master Card.

Just an idea, hope you enjoy! :D
Your average SCP:CB nerd. Nothing really special