Re: Various models for consideration

I do not like this model of class D.

A class D is sensible to have a T-shirt with button, a pants, and leather boots, there the model possesses I believe of the equipment on him, sorry but if you makes his, the model will not be taken by Regalis.
"My grammar is bad because I am French... Yeah I makes progress ohhhhh !!!"
La théorie de la vie est : Merguez + Patate = my live is potato ...

Re: Various models for consideration

It is of my user opinion, rather than that of a moderator; to not say anything about what could be or not taken by Regalis, you're not Regalis nor know what standards he approves (unless the collab in question was utterly ridiculous), not to mention, this models has a bunch of pockets and zippers seem better for modern standards than buttons. To be honest, dangerous people like Class-Ds usually WOULDN'T be given pockets or anywhere to carry something for safety standards.

The only reasons i'd see this, or the other models not being taken, is that the jumpsuit is REALLY tight onto the body (while some prison wear has usually standarized sizes to acccomodate every person) and that it has the same shape as the othey models, by this i mean 106 or 513, there is little variation in the contexture and body build, it is an opinion though.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Various models for consideration

InTheNight wrote:I do not like this model of class D.

A class D is sensible to have a T-shirt with button, a pants, and leather boots, there the model possesses I believe of the equipment on him, sorry but if you makes his, the model will not be taken by Regalis.
I'm going to excuse the rudeness and hope that it's because English doesn't seem like your first language. The more polite way to point this out would be to actually offer criticism and logical reasoning for WHY my design does not make sense from a story/logic perspective, or just your personal taste even. As it is you come off as saying "I don't like it, do it like this because I want you to" which is a pet peve of many an artist, because there is always someone who truly believes that. Based on your other posts I've seen, you seem well meaning enough.

Irontaco, thank you for the detailed criticism. 106 and 513 are kinda doomed to look similar, being emaciated humanoids. The class D model is more form fitting than it most likely would be, which is one of my short comings as an artist. That being said, from an objective standpoint I have improved a large amount while I was gone, and will probably just scrap most if not all of the class D model.
Modeler, Texturer, Animator in training, and novice voice actor.

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Re: Various models for consideration

No problem, you can try and make them be like "less pretty" if you want to try class d models again, as in with more defects and what'd you usually expect from normal people, or, you can also try and mimic the current models, with higher detail, since those dudes don't look bad at all!

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Various models for consideration

If you plan on redoing the Class D models, I'd only suggest making them less futuristic. I mean, the Foundation has so many extended resources and technology, but I really don't think they'd expend them on lowly Class D's. The current loose fitting jumpsuit and leather boots works fine imo. I also share the idea that having pockets for a Class D would be impractical and dangerous (he could hide a pen in there and attack someone with it)
It slep time bunner.

Re: Various models for consideration

Alright, well, I'm really sorry to say this but I'm not going to be much more SCP stuff. My SCP game evolved into a whole new beast (explanation here) and the work from that is going to be taking up most if not all of my time. But, because I really enjoyed working with you guys, I'm putting up all my models and textures in high resolution for everyone here to use. The high res models will be in .ZTL format, so they'll only work in zbrush. I've noticed Night and Phanalax are pretty good at it, so if they or anyone else want to improve on my models, please do. They definitely aren't my best, and while I'd love to fix them up I'm just plain too busy. There's also an unfinished 745 model and Class D in there. But, I do want to do one last model for you guys. It can either be something new or an update to an old one(or me finishing an old one). So while i get all my files together, tell me what you want me to make, as one last hurrah before I have to take another long break! ...

Alright! I put everything together and uploaded it all! I did not include the low resolution models, you can find those on the first post. The 106 textures are 2k, and the 513-1 are 4k. I plan on using the 513-1 face and the 745 jaw and brain models for other things, but feel free to use anything in the pack for anything. The Class D model just needs boots and a little facial tweeking(okay, a lot), but the 745 is barely started beyond a basic shape. Have fun with them!
Modeler, Texturer, Animator in training, and novice voice actor.

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Re: Various models for consideration

Great work with the Class-D man! I reckon you should PM Reg or something to make him more aware of this. I would also like to suggest various new Scientist models to fit with the quality of these. About 682, Night has already started modelling them and he is very good (he did the new MTF and 096), so you should knock that one off your list. All in all, really well done and I'm looking forward to seeing anything else from you :D