096 chase theme suggestions

I know this site called http://www.omnimusic.com and It supplies some really great music. I've thought about using the scary tab and finding a chase theme for SCP-096. Currently I think "Danger Point" would be a good one. Browse the music list and see what theme you think is fitting for 096.

Look here for the scary tab: http://www.omnimusic.com/music_search/s ... ndKeyword=
Last edited by CLgaming on Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: 096 chase theme suggestions

ThatGoodSir wrote:I like the current chase music just fine.
Really, I didn't know there was already a chase theme? Well I'd still like if "Danger Point" is the theme and you guys can use omnimusic for the game anytime! Well I have to get going, I'm currently assigned to SCP-087-B and on floor 16. The radio transmission keeps distorting but the Internet and helmet cam are doing just fine... WTF :?