Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Moonsaber wrote:I tried to join the server however it says I am not whitelisted.
Ah yes, sorry. Forgot to add you.

Anyway. To everyone who is whitelisted, the server is back up, but the worlds are still under maintenance.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: Community Minecraft Server!

I found out how to break blocks. You need to use the right tool for the block your breaking. Shovel for dirt,sand etc ,pickaxe for stone, axe for wood and sword for leaves. The wrong tool or your hands wont do anything. However for some reason hands can now break ice,grass and snow. I will be placing some tools in a chest near the spawn.
Email me at [email protected] if you need art done.

Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Hmmmmm. I'm not sure why this is happening. I will try to fix it as soon as i can.

Edit: Figured it out...I think. You guys are too close to spawn. Try going a good distance away from spawn and see if you get any results. If not, I'll try my best to solve the issue. My new router is just very shitty, so it may be that.

Also, those who think the server is down. You are wrong. The server just takes long to connect to your master server list, as it does for everyone else, including me. It IS up, so just connect even is it says a connection can't be reached.

EDIT AGAIN: Ah. I figured it out. For real this time. I'm so stupid. The server settings had it set to adventure mode automatically. Sorry.

And to Gib. Sorry, but I can't be bothered to deal with a small server when I have a LOT of homework and am very busy. You are lucky the server is even up.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: Community Minecraft Server!

I may not be able to keep the server up guys because my step dad is a fucking asshole. We may get lucky but who knows.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away