Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a

Re: Add a word to the story!

Cosmica wrote:The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH
Cod as call of duty 2, im not really into the newest ones.

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while fingering

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while fingering Dr. Dre

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while fingering Dr. Dre's mother-f***ing-d*mned-god-forbidden-large-hairy-son-of-a-beesh-forsaken-abandoned-sexual-organ-with-according-to-text-drawn-on-with-a-sharpie-marker-is-called-a-penis.

^ It was bound to happen, and I censored because apparently that happened earlier in the thread.

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while fingering Dr. Dre's mother-f***ing-d*mned-god-forbidden-large-hairy-son-of-a-beesh-forsaken-abandoned-sexual-organ-with-according-to-text-drawn-on-with-a-sharpie-marker-is-called-a-penis and
I'm not here as much right now, mention me on our Discord server if you need anything.

Re: Add a word to the story!

The bacon thought of eating rotten pigzombies but was attacked, then my penis shot rainbows, produced a explosion, and made the Wabajack retreat into Chicago, while Jesus rode a nyan cat through skyginas cornhole and raped enough gnomes and elves for killing SCP-682's grandma, ''TANK!'' screamed the pony wizard, as she smoked some weed and hit Bill Cosby in the magical flavoured anus which is green and forgettable but tasty like bleak chicken beak and zombified cats who party with my BuckyBalls™, killing 47 midgets. "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL!". Suddenly a soft shit made natural soda extract that Shitted wormy slimy gummybears. Thisisme sucks dick while giant Barack-thulhu dances Gangham Style on Spider-Man while masturbating with GAK and lollygagging Ke$ha in tacos' homeland wizardry and pumpkins invented by vagina special sauce. However, it tasted like PENIS meat. Meanwhile, hipster juce exposes his chunkys supreme balls which chairs like while spanking Justin Bieber's lesbian cow while breathing Cadbury Eggs made with bubbles that f*** tight ferrets, meanwhile Smeagol pimp-slapped SCP-106 while Cthulu sat in the scary toilet eating nachos with 682 who was wearing a frilly hat and killed many hipsters. MEANWHILE Jesus Rambo Norris Clef wore awesome computers that played Sonic 1 music and flipped balls whilst beating SCP-173 tokens into SCP-106. Then Irontaco smoked 420-J while fapping in baby cum pictures while furiously screaming ''Heyaaeyaaeyaeyeh" while SCP-650 sandwiched chaos 0. JESUS shit a CHOPPAH Hulk while fingering Dr. Dre's mother-f***ing-d*mned-god-forbidden-large-hairy-son-of-a-beesh-forsaken-abandoned-sexual-organ-with-according-to-text-drawn-on-with-a-sharpie-marker-is-called-a-penis and dogge-styleing