Re: Fallout RP

*As I looked around outside I spotted 2 people walking, I put on my enclave helmet and began walking the other way attempting not to interact with anyone else*
I hope they don't come over to me, if I need help i'll just get it from my Enclave brothers.
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Re: Fallout RP

*I started to to limp and then eventually collpased on the ground, faceplanting my head into the broken road and then said in a low voice "God Damnit, why couldn't they just leave me alone"*
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Re: Fallout RP

*As I get close I see that its an Enclave, and he is heavily wounded*
Well, good thing I found you buddy. If some one else found you, you would probably would be dead by now.
*I look at Stanley*
Help me get him inside, would you?
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: Fallout RP

Sure you don't!
*I move closer to him, as he falls again*
You are right, you are in perfect shape. Its not as if you have several broken bones, including the ones in your legs.
*I nod as he tries to walk again*
Yes! You can do alright by yourself against all the bandits that will come and loot you. After you've been eaten alive by god knows what.
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: Fallout RP

*I smiled underneath my helmet*
I got attacked by a legendary deathclaw, they say that not many people live after an encounter with a legendary deathclaw, his name is Timbaark I am going back to kill that son of a bitch...
*I quickly stood up*
I suppose I cannot do anything in this state though, not only that I need to restock on ammo, I got 20 MF cells left.
Mandatory blank signature, here.