Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

CLgaming wrote:At least its not as bad as Marley Hughes, also it took me 10 minutes to write that damn thing.
A teenaged boy or the Pyro from TF2 with a pony from MLP, I wonder which is stupider.
CLgaming wrote:I saw nothing wrong with self-inserts when we did this centuries ago. :roll: case in point, nobody flipped their shit over Trex and Rosalina.
Self-inserts are excuses for lazy writing that people use to avoid actually trying to make their characters original and interesting. I'm not just saying that because he used his real name as his character's name, literally everything about his character was essentially himself (A teenage furry who loves Twokind....oh gee I wonder where he got those ideas from.).

Also Trex had the decency to actually put detail into his app and make the persona of his character different from himself. The whole point of role playing is to assume the role of someone different from yourself.
Last edited by CommanderMark on Mon Apr 27, 2015 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Okay okay, so now that that bullshit's out of the way, let's get on with the plot discussion. Would you guys just like a casual plot where everyone is doing their job, testing, patrolling, interacting, etc and they have a few conflicts, like a breach scare, a power outage, or some drama nonsense. Oooor we can go for a more horrific/action-y route with a chaotic containment breach. Also, if we do do a containment breach, please let it only include 1 or 2 SCPs, not dozens. Let's not recreate SCP - Containment Breach, now.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Absence wrote:Okay okay, so now that that bullshit's out of the way, let's get on with the plot discussion. Would you guys just like a casual plot where everyone is doing their job, testing, patrolling, interacting, etc and they have a few conflicts, like a breach scare, a power outage, or some drama nonsense.
May I vote for this? I think carrying out the usual job would be fun, in my honest opinion.
My YouTube. I make bad content.
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Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Ltn Vasquez wrote:OK, second part of this thread. Just throw ideas, guys.

Absence and I did (*Doing) an RP in the aftermath of a nuked site. For two people, it was fun, but I think we can really can a massive plot with a whole group of people who just survived the destruction of one of the facilities.
Nah, I'm going with Maria and Trex on this one. A normal-day-at-the-Foundation plot seems fun.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Jeez, now that that's out of the way.

Name: Dr. William Harris
Race/Species: American/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Years At Facility: 4
Physical Characteristics: Brown hair. Green Eyes. Medium Build. 2m 6".
Personality: Outgoing and intelligent. Knows how to handle self in an emergency.
Information: Former member of the [REDACTED] Wildlife Department. Specializes in care and management of forest animals. Also a minor in mechanical engineering. Dr. William Harris joined Foundation ranks after assisting in the capture and recontainment of several escaped specimens of SCP-1505. Dr. William Harris was born in 1984 in the town of [REDACTED]. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Father committed suicide whenever Harris was age 13. Harris lived with his aunt and uncle afterwards until college.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

CLgaming wrote:Jeez, now that that's out of the way.

Name: Dr. William Harris
Race/Species: American/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Years At Facility: 4
Physical Characteristics: Brown hair. Green Eyes. Medium Build. 2m 6".
Personality: Outgoing and intelligent. Knows how to handle self in an emergency.
Information: Former member of the [REDACTED] Wildlife Department. Specializes in care and management of forest animals. Also a minor in mechanical engineering. Dr. William Harris joined Foundation ranks after assisting in the capture and recontainment of several escaped specimens of SCP-1505. Dr. William Harris was born in 1984 in the town of [REDACTED]. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Father committed suicide whenever Harris was age 13. Harris lived with his aunt and uncle afterwards until college.
Much better.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Absence wrote:
CLgaming wrote:Jeez, now that that's out of the way.

Name: Dr. William Harris
Race/Species: American/Human
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Years At Facility: 4
Physical Characteristics: Brown hair. Green Eyes. Medium Build. 2m 6".
Personality: Outgoing and intelligent. Knows how to handle self in an emergency.
Information: Former member of the [REDACTED] Wildlife Department. Specializes in care and management of forest animals. Also a minor in mechanical engineering. Dr. William Harris joined Foundation ranks after assisting in the capture and recontainment of several escaped specimens of SCP-1505. Dr. William Harris was born in 1984 in the town of [REDACTED]. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Father committed suicide whenever Harris was age 13. Harris lived with his aunt and uncle afterwards until college.
Much better.
CL, I added your app.
Last edited by Ltn Vasquez on Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay (V2.0): OOC Discussion

Updated my app so it doesn't pale in comparison to everyone else's.

Name: Security Officer Tyrone Wilson
Years as foundation member: 3
Race/Species: American/Human
Appearance: Athletic build, 5'10, 160 pounds, pale-olive skin-tone, dark grey messy hair draped over his black eyes. On shift, he is always masked in the standard security guard uniform, but off shift he dons the casual clothing of a white short-sleeved dress shirt, black jeans, and running shoes.
Personality: Bitter and cold towards the world around him, Wilson utterly hates humanity in general, but understands there are a handful of people that truly deserves his respect, and he will deliver said respect as much as he can. Wilson executes his job with utmost emotionless and efficiency, but off shift he's known to be a wise-cracking smart-ass from time to time.
History: Wilson grew up in a broken household where both he and his mother were physically abused by his alcoholic father, who died from alcohol poisoning when Wilson was 13. He's shamed to admit this brought a smile upon his face. His teenage years were rough but fine thanks to the passing of his father, plus the fact he got a satisfiable job in the tactical military, but he was permanently submerged into a bout of depression when his mother died in a car accident. Wilson's depression grew to suicidal levels, but fortunately, the Foundation took note of his skills as a military cop and offered him a job.
Extra Info: He really likes PAWGs.
Interests: Smoking, drinking