Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: No actual object was output. Instead, 914's output booth turned into a dimly lit stairwell.

"I... just... but... HOW?!"

"No idea, but now we have SCP-914-087... What, is every future output going to be at some random location in the starwell or something? Fuck that, send the Class-Ds to retrieve them."

Input: SCP-087-B, Very fine

"I don't know how you even do it, but for the love of God, STOP PUTTING VARIANTS OF THE GOD DAMN STAIRWELL IN 914!"
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: there was no actual output. Instead a small 2x2m room replaces the output booth. Two doors are present within this room, one for 087 the other for 087-B.

"Well this is definitely strange."
"Fucking dumb asses! Now it's even harder to even know where the output items are!"
"Now we shall call it SCP-914-087-087-B."

Input: SCP-106
Setting: very fine

"How the hell?"
"I have officially lost all respect for you guys."
The day I quit is tha day I die.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Error: Setting not specified, assuming 1:1

Output: A similar piece of plastic with the words "Trialtrex21, sir."

Input: itsapainfulworld, setting fine.
Through observation of world events, and enduring life, one cannot deny the existence of the greed, intolerance, hate and immorals of past generations that corrupts the minds of future generations.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: The bones of Pony, all but one hand that was pointed at Dr. Moore, flipping him off.

Following the previous two tests, anyone else putting someone through on Rough or Coarse will be designated Class-D with permanent Keter duty. Foundation members aren't expendable, you know! - O5-2

Input: Some diamonds.

Setting: Very Fine.
The Nightmares...will last...FOREVEEEEERRRRR!
In the event that Nightmare Tank tries to take charge, Dr. Glitch is to warn it, until it ceases its behaviour.