Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Mestiar looked at the papers on the table, information, pure knowledge of the most dangerous artefacts on the world... What was the speech of the president about? He didn´t remember, but there was something really important about it, what was so important about Syria? Could it that be the place, the right place?

"Eleanor... Do you know something about Baal?" Ulrich asked

"I don´t remember anything called like that"

"Great" Ulrich stand up, organazing every paper on the desk, making a perfect and symetric pile of paper, he put them on an suit case.

"Because we are traveling to Syria today"

"What?! Are you insane there is a war in that place and you want to go there?

"Looks like the best place for me, besides, they need a medical doctor out there and you seen good for the work. Since you have to take care of me then i have no choice to go with you... What a coincidence"

Eleanor was looking at him, waiting a few seconds before replying.

"Is Syria a important place for your redemption, it is part of your "destiny"?"

Mestiar looked directly at her eyes.

"Of course... We are going to meet the god of the gods, the great final step"

Mestiar took the suitcase, getting out of the room, with Eleanor behind him. This could be the end of everything, the end of the maelstrom.
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Slade went into a room, and sat on the bed. He was exhausted. He hadn't slept since Sheol. They continued to haunt him daily. He saw them in the corner of his room, standing, staring. His family's eyes black, their faces rotten. Their appearance varied, but was always awful.

Drinking got rid of them, but only for so long. He needed to move on.

He heard a knock at the door.

"Come in. Its not locked."

Anna opened the door, and entered.



"I've been meaning to ask." She paused. "What's changed you? After that thing with Strange... you've changed."

Slade grimaced. "That place comprised me, made me weak with guilt, guilt that had before but could control. Now.... just leave it."

"Well okay, I don't want to push you... but if you want to talk, I'm a good listener."

"Heh, thanks I'll keep it in mind. You should go get some sleep."

"Alright. You do the same."

"I'll try."

She left the room leaving Slade alone.

He pulled a bottle of sleeping pills from his bag, and took two. He hoped they would work this time. Soon he became sluggish, and he began to fall alseep. He had only one thing on mind. Them.

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

The lady told Scott about the "incident" in the break room between the Class-D and Dr. Yukon.

"That's not right, those two have just barely bonded for 6 days and then they just throw it down the drain?" questioned Scott.

Dr. Yukon was sure to get fired from her internship in the program but Scott would not allow it. Dr. Yukon was his closest labmate, a true accomplice in need of help whenever. Jordan needed to keep the O5s from knowing this happened.

Dr. Scott went to go help Dr. Yukon patch up D-4267 and get him some medical help.


The lady can recall her past like it was yesterday. Her village, under attack by an opposing empire. Red Army Soldiers attempting to help her out of the area, but she rejected their help and before she knew it, the one that layed his hand on her shoulder had suddenly attacked his own colleagues. She had a pretty good idea that people in general are just violent in nature...

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

Steven did NOT go to sleep yet, he had quietly followed Philo, even though it took a lot of effort for him to walk in such an accelerated pace.

After hearing Philo's talk with an unknown man, hidden behind a vending machine a few meters away from Philo, he whispered to himself. "Syria? Where have i heard that name before..."

He didn't remember anything relating to that name, along with a lot of things after the last breach, he thought of it only as a normal place like any other. But he DID remember something.

"Philo probably has my pills." He thought, he knew Philo would probably be terribly mad at him if he kept walking around the facility at this hour, but he decided to follow Philo quietly, then ask him for the pills after he wasn't so busy.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2


Mestiar stopped, he was located on a hallway just in front of the breakroom. There was something important missing for his quest... The Holders, The holders of Sheol! he only had one of them, Slade and Kelman should have the other ones... They should have them, it was important to bring them back. He knew that Slade should be in Syria already, but Kelman was still on the foundation.

"Have you met a man called Kelman before?"

"I don´t think so Ulrich, an old friend of yours?"

"New friend, but vital for this. Before going to the Middle east, we have to bring him with us"

"Alright, do you know where is his office"

"Very close"

They started walking, almost joggying. Going trough the hallway, they found Kelman´s office, Mestiar knocked the door.
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Hello Kelman, this is Doctor Wrimn and I am Doctor Ulrich. We need some information and you are the right man to be asked..."

Ulrich make a pause, looking at the floor, he didn´t want to look directly at Kelman´s eyes.

"... Information about the incident"

He then looked at him to the eyes.

"Can you do that for us?" He asked
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"The artifact, Kelman, did you bring it with you?"

Ulrich was looking directly at the eyes of Kelman, feeling so curious but yet so obsesive to know the truth, the real truth. He was desperate to know, he wanted to know, that was the only thing he could do after all the incident, he is so close, really close to know,but just a wrong answer could flip everything, everyone lose.
How about a nice game of chess?


Re: SCP Forum Roleplay Session #2

"Artifact? Yeah, I have it. Wait here." Dr. Kelman closed the door. He had it hidden somewhere; it was taken from an SCP, so it would likely be confiscated and classified as an SCP if found. He got it from its hiding spot and opened the door.

"Is this what you're looking for?" he asked, showing it to Dr. Ulrich.
spartan322 wrote:it is not every day that an SCP comes out of the closet.
"I'm not a psychopath. I'm a high-functioning sociopath."
My SCP playthrough
Trex plays Amnesia: AMFP