Re: The "What have you been up to?" Thread

Omniary wrote:Well, that was a rather sudden and unexpected development! Either way, congratulations, I'm sure all of us wish you good luck and hopefully you'll find the right name. (*cough* :096: )
Ahaha, name my baby 096? Shy guy? I think I'd need diapers too if my baby suddenly started roaring and screaming like my Bro does ;)
Anyway, thank you very much :) Yes, it was more than unexpected as I hadn't planned on children yet. But either way, I'm very happy to become a mommy in 2014 :)
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Re: The "What have you been up to?" Thread

Serimah wrote:
Omniary wrote:Well, that was a rather sudden and unexpected development! Either way, congratulations, I'm sure all of us wish you good luck and hopefully you'll find the right name. (*cough* :096: )
Ahaha, name my baby 096? Shy guy? I think I'd need diapers too if my baby suddenly started roaring and screaming like my Bro does ;)
Anyway, thank you very much :) Yes, it was more than unexpected as I hadn't planned on children yet. But either way, I'm very happy to become a mommy in 2014 :)
Congrats with your new baby! A mini-insanity is going to appear xD
WOOMY! *squid glibberish*
my water changed to this form by boiling, extensively used for the generation of mechanical power, for heating purposes, etc.