Forum SCP RP

Im kinda surprised Trex hasn't posted this yet, oh well, I'll do it.

So this is just an RP based around the foundation. Each one of you will have a doctor, who can be something else than a human (no OP). What happens is.. well, whatever we want actually, but it has to be canon. It can be routine, experimenting, and maybe later a few containment breaches, but take it slowly.
This isn't a "realistic" RP, like the zombie one, but make it so it has sense.

There are of course some rules:
1. Don't go offtopic. If you want to say something off topic you have to use (( )). Also you can't just say off topic things, you have to participate somehow.
2. No double posting.
3. No rushing, wait a little to make sure no one is writting a respose.
4. No OP characters, also, you have to mention any special traits at the beginning, you can't just suddenly pull a new trait, unless under special circumstances.
4.1: Wanting to have a huge ego with an OP character is NOT a proper excuse.
5. Another person's character can only be killed if that person wants too.
6. Only one character per user, unless that character dies, then you can create another one.

Just make it something like this.

Name: Isaac
Race, species, etc..: Human, spartanII (from the future)
Age: Older than the universe itself (on that later)
Years on the Facility: 9
Level: 5
Physical Appearance: Ripped, 2.1 meters tall
Place of birth: Earth 2520
Comments:"Time travel is a bitch...Oh, bacon!"

I'll start it
*Chiling around on the break room, eating bacon*
Hmmm, I love bacon. How I missed this stuff.
*Dr. (you) enters the room*

Comments: "Time travel
-Resident Bacon Fanatic-

Re: Forum SCP RP

Ummm, hey. I just wanted to say that 079 seems to want to talk to you about something. O5 seemed to be OK with it. Yeah... bye.
Heheh, you said a bad word.

All of you guys really are special. Did you guys know that? Yes you guys are! Each in your own special way.

Re: Forum SCP RP

Name: D-5363
Race: Human
Age: ██
Time on the Facility: 3 days
Level: D
Physical Appearance: African-American, average build, 1.8 meters tall
Place of birth: █████, North Carolina, United States
Comments: D-5363 has created an addiction to [REDACTED] and suspected to be somehow connected to SCP-██. By order of O5-█, D-5363 must be kept away from SCP-██ at all times.
Last edited by SFK363 on Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.