Protecting your email address on the internet

There's been some talk lately of email address security when posting on forums, and in the spirit of taking the conversation outside of threads none-to-do with the subject, I've decided to post this here.

Posting your email address verbatim is how you attract spam mail. Don't do this:

[email protected]

However, you can always break up the email address into something like the following in order to reduce the likeliness that a bot will recognize your string as an address:

myaccount [at] hotmail [dot] com

This convention is pretty safe, but it is also widely enough used that it may be best to make use of other, less common methods. You're probably best to invent your own so as not to get caught by a bot programmed to specifically look for this pattern (but please keep it legible):

myaccount ['at'] hotm.ail. com

Is a good way to post an email address. Obviously, "hotmail" is a well-recognized domain, so people will know how to clean up the address before sending any mail to it. For less commonly-known domains, such as "[email protected]", it's best to present the address exactly. In the user chunk of an email address (left side of the @), periods are effectively ignored ([email protected] and [email protected] are exactly the same), so dressing up your email address with periods in this way wouldn't serve any purpose.

The best way to protect your email address is not to type anything in raw text at all. As an alternative, you can post an image of your email account like so:
Image offers a good service to do this, but there are others available (this was the first search result I came across).

Hopefully, this clears some things up regarding email address security in the public web. As with any activity on the internet, posting personal information of any kind comes with a risk. You can mitigate some of this risk by using the techniques herein described.