Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

rarityismahwaifu wrote:
Trialtrex21 wrote:Someone should shove a gun up Piers Morgan's ass.
Honestly that wouldn't help pro gun arguments.
Doesn't matter. Iz for teh lolz.

Code: Select all

Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

Honestly irrespective of your own personal view on gun ownership, I feel that the best way to prevent gun violence, or any form of violence, is to tackle the mental health issues. Many of these killers, in the US, and whatnot have a history of mental health problems that were not addressed. It seems like the US prefers to go after the problem and not the source, banning guns instead of looking at the actual problem of mental health for example. Though this is my personal view on the issue.

In Australia, in 1996 we had the Port Arther massacre, 35 people were killed and over 20 more were wounded in this event. Guess what, the perpetrator had a history of mental health problems. The attacker was captured and sentenced to 35 life sentences in prison (1,035 years). This event led to very tight laws over gun ownership, today only about %5 of Australians own guns. Fortunately for Australians we have never had a big problem with gun violence to start with. Also fortuantly we have a high Health Care standard in Australia, which would equate to better assistance to those with mental health problems, I know that from personal experience.

Ultimately the US needs to tackle the mental state of people in need, banning certain kinds of firearms and other measures won't do you any good.

If he can't use a gun he will use a knife, if he can't use a knife he will use a rock, if he can't find a rock he will use his hands.
SCP:CB Administrator. 99% of my statements are my own and do not represent the official developers viewpoint.

Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

Steelpoint wrote:Honestly irrespective of your own personal view on gun ownership, I feel that the best way to prevent gun violence, or any form of violence, is to tackle the mental health issues. Many of these killers, in the US, and whatnot have a history of mental health problems that were not addressed. It seems like the US prefers to go after the problem and not the source, banning guns instead of looking at the actual problem of mental health for example. Though this is my personal view on the issue.
A better point of view than many Americans today. Texas is the only state not in debt, but actually MAKING money, and they are pro gun, are against illegal immigration, and any other things Common Sense.

Obama is our biggest problem. Last year's elections there was a voter count above %100. So that means that there were dupes, and other cheats. Except that the number was a huge one.
In the US, most presidents who earn the state of Ohio most of the time get elected. In Ohio, 99.9 percent of voters voted for Obama. That's an statistical impossibility. Previously it was
a %70 %30 relationship, it mysteriously rises to %99? And worse, nobody tried to enforce any laws. Obama should be exported to his place of birth. Kenya, Africa.

Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

This a related and an unrelated issue, I heard a while back that the ban on smoking marijuana in a certain state was lifted, personally I believe this is a bad choice for the President Obama, I see a few issues of it I believe that most people who do drugs are mentally damaged (That's just my opinion, I have no proof.) First of all people become lazy when they smoke marijuana, not wanting to lift a finger and so on (I know from a previous experience and someone I had trouble with helping me around my mothers house.) Secondly I believe this also causes a lot of money to be wasted by the person all for what? Just to get high? That's just irresponsible and idiotic.

But in a way this relates to the subject at hand, I believe Barack Obama is not doing his rightful job as a president, however that is just my point of view on things.
Mandatory blank signature, here.

Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

mrpeanut188 wrote: Obama is our biggest problem. Last year's elections there was a voter count above %100. So that means that there were dupes, and other cheats. Except that the number was a huge one.
In the US, most presidents who earn the state of Ohio most of the time get elected. In Ohio, 99.9 percent of voters voted for Obama. That's an statistical impossibility. Previously it was
a %70 %30 relationship, it mysteriously rises to %99? And worse, nobody tried to enforce any laws. Obama should be exported to his place of birth. Kenya, Africa.
You should be glad that a 'first past the post' system has a lesser effect on your federal elections. Having 3 (Up to 5 if you consider Bloc and Green to be viable parties with the current system) significant parties isn't fun when it almost always results in gerrymandering and/or a minority government.
M-x dingus-mode

Re: Gun Control In The U.S.A.

WhiteAce wrote:This a related and an unrelated issue, I heard a while back that the ban on smoking marijuana in a certain state was lifted, personally I believe this is a bad choice for the President Obama, I see a few issues of it I believe that most people who do drugs are mentally damaged (That's just my opinion, I have no proof.) First of all people become lazy when they smoke marijuana, not wanting to lift a finger and so on (I know from a previous experience and someone I had trouble with helping me around my mothers house.) Secondly I believe this also causes a lot of money to be wasted by the person all for what? Just to get high? That's just irresponsible and idiotic.

But in a way this relates to the subject at hand, I believe Barack Obama is not doing his rightful job as a president, however that is just my point of view on things.
It(weed) damages bodily systems and reduces the work capacities of an individual. It also causes an mental and physical dependency that will as time passes on cause an increase in its negative effects as a individual will attempt to fulfill the requirements of the dependency(moar weed).
Plus I find it highly pathetic that an individual can't find a more amusing source of entertainment that is cheaper and not so impairing to the individual.