Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

Now, most (if not all) of us here already hate or very much dislike PETA, with their outrageous comparison of Holocaust victims to slaughterhouses, disrespect of women, using comic books like "Your Mom Kills Puppies!" (or some nonsense like that) to 'educate' children, and their parody "Pokemon: Black and Blue". Now, I just recently discovered one of their more vile acts and have a rekindled hatred for them. Read the following the link to understand what I mean:

EDIT: Here's another link of PETA's foulness:
Last edited by Insanity's Bane on Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Administrator at the Official SCP:CB Wiki

Re: Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

A Revolting act by already Disgusting "people".
My name is John...Yes you can call me that...Yes it's a bland name, but it gets the job done.
I Warhammer 40K harder than you.

Re: Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

So...Zerglings have rights, but living kittens and puppies don't?
I'm not here as much right now, mention me on our Discord server if you need anything.

Re: Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

FoxMccloud64 wrote:Seriosly Obama :096:
I'm sure he hates them as much as anyone does. Besides, PETA's been around longer than Obama has been in office.

Still, someone should've already done something about them.
Administrator at the Official SCP:CB Wiki

Re: Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

you suck, peta rocks, that article is fake, and i didn't see anything about peta abusing animals, kill yourself.
This profile's been around for nearly eight years


(last edited 10/09/2020)

Re: Absolutely Disgusting: PETA

hug0905 wrote:you suck, peta rocks, that article is fake, and i didn't see anything about peta abusing animals, kill yourself.
You can't be serious.
Administrator at the Official SCP:CB Wiki