Opinions on 11 year olds dating?

I would like to hear your opinions on 11 year olds dating.

It's slightly worrying when you see 11 year olds on Facebook go from "single" to in a "relationship", wait until you're 16 or something to start dating. do 11 year olds even fully understand love to go into a relationship? and also, 11 year old girls wearing make up to try and get dates, have you seen how much make up 11 year old girls puts on? they look like freaking clowns
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Re: Opinions on 11 year olds dating?

From firsthand experience, there's nothing really wrong with it. Just a few years ago my classmates in elementary school started "dating" in 5th grade. It's really kids trying to emulate what they see in the media. It never really gets serious until just before/in high school and now I'm jealous of my friends since they're getting into relationships and dating.
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Re: Opinions on 11 year olds dating?

Absolutely nothing romantic in my class, for the record they even talk about porn. I was even browsing on my phone on a break and finally after a while they're like "Hey what's Simon doing?" one girl even assumed I was looking at pony porn.
which i did, megasweet makes the best clop
But seriously, I've been rejected six times, I'm sick of relationships and I'm half hetero/asexual now. Hetero because pr0nz and asexual because no relationships. I'm fine without it.

Re: Opinions on 11 year olds dating?

SFK363 wrote:Absolutely nothing romantic in my class, for the record they even talk about porn. I was even browsing on my phone on a break and finally after a while they're like "Hey what's Simon doing?" one girl even assumed I was looking at pony porn.
which i did, megasweet makes the best clop
But seriously, I've been rejected six times, I'm sick of relationships and I'm half hetero/asexual now. Hetero because pr0nz and asexual because no relationships. I'm fine without it.
And just how old are your classmates? if they have been exposed to pornography, it's clearly a sign of bad parenting, the parents should've put parental controls on the computer to block any X rated sites, I was the only one in my class when I first started secondary school who didn't know what porn is
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