Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: A 17 year old SCP-590, that has lost his healing ability, but when he spits on a person, they become fully healed, only SCP-590 gets the injuries 10x worse.

Interesting. He is a walking First Aid kit only usable once without being dangerously injured to where death is almost necessary. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Input: SCP-055
Setting: 1;1

This is to see if 055 is genetically related to anything, to conclude that what it's made of is organi-- Wait, what was I talking about again? ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

ApplePiah wrote:Output: :EXPUNGED:

"I'm glad I didn't see" ~Dr. Roth

Intake: A sample SCP-008
Setting: Rough

"I would probably not make anything above that or I'd be dead." ~Dr. Roth
Output:A dead SCP-049. Seems to have been crushed to death.


Input:SCP-040 Veryfine

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: Old Caucasian Female; appears to be able to alter and living organisms, matter, and plants

"[No Comment]" ~Dr. Roth

Intake: Dr. Imperfect's Calender for December
Setting: Very Fine

"Don't worry Dr. Imperfect. I have the actual Calender, that one is just a copy.' ~Dr. Roth

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game


I puked my guts out. Not ashamed to say that. That thing was horrifying. Oh, thanks Researcher :REDACTED:. Thanks for locking me in with that beast. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Input: "LOCKDOWN - Escape from Furnace Penitentiary"
Setting: Very Fine

I loved the book. Absolutely Terrifying. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

I puked my guts out. Not ashamed to say that. That thing was horrifying. Oh, thanks Researcher :REDACTED:. Thanks for locking me in with that beast. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics
"Apologies for :REDACTED: 's behavior, Connor. He tried to do the right thing, sealing off all possible means of escape, but it was a poor choice with 75 other personnel still in the building. Physiological counseling has been paid for, if you need it." - Dr. Imperfect

Output: "Never Ending Book of Nightmarish Terror." The book seemed to contained more pages than able to be fit into the book, and the end has not yet been reached. Random excerpts from "LOCKDOWN - Escape from Furnace Penitentiary" were scattered in the book at somewhat obtrusive times.

Intake: SCP-106 secretions
Setting: Very Fine

"Security footage has confirmed that this test was done by the same person who did the 835 experiment. Requesting investigation of a possible Chaos Insurgency (or any other invasive GOI) sabotage operation." - Dr. Imperfect

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: "The Mangle" from the fictional video game, "Five Nights at Freddy's 2", fully fixed, and built. It was playing a unidentified song.

Umm. Well... Er, is it living? Uh... Hey Dr. Imperfect, is the Physiological counseling still an offer? In that case, I will have Sabrina do these tests for me. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Input: SCP-096, Crying.
Setting: 1;1

I can't describe what I was thinking. Just in case, All personnel evacuate 914's area IMMEDIATELY. I will have to face the horrors I have made. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics

Oh, and yes. Investigation of the person who allowed those two tests imperfect. ~Dr. Connor Syphentotics.