Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output (O5 Clearance Required):
SCP-447 On A Corpse With A Picture Of SCP-096 face The Dead Body React to SCP-447 immediately .
The Dead Body was killed by SCP-096
For Further information See Document Indicent-914-447-096-3
Input: SCP-1994-J
Setting: Fine

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output : A small seedling in the shape of a capsule, when planted, the seed's growth accelerated abnormally and grow to maturity within 5 hours, when the leaves are consumed, appear to have the same effect of SCP-500, however in 5% of test subjects began [Data expunged].

Input : A digital camera.
Setting : Very fine.

(Am i doing this right?)

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

(yes, you're doing it right.)
Output: A digital camera, that when a picture was taken, would show events exactly 24 hours in advance on the area the picture was taken from.
This could be useful to predict containment breaches. - Dr. Anona

(p.s. i'm going to refer to input as intake to be canon)
Intake: One(1) copy of the laws of robotics.
Setting: 1:1
I Survived SCP-106's Pocket Dimension And All I Got Was This Stupid ID Card

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Output: A book about the laws of an A.I.

I know a little late but I searched and copied some stuff and put it together and thought long of own things to make it look like an actuall SCP test log. It was fun.

The copy of SCP-500 from SCP-038 through SCP-914 (suggested by Maikcollos):
<Begin Log>

Dr. F█████: We have not tested yet if SCP-914 is capable of copying SCP-500.
Dr. Kaufmann: What do you mean? Dr. Ouros has tested it and it was a failure.
Dr. F█████: I know but we have copied SCP-500 with SCP-038 and Document #338-2 says that the effect of SCP-500 then work only 30% of time.
Dr. Kaufmann: And you think this will work and not become a second SCP-427?
Dr. F█████: What if we get a perfect copy of SCP-500?

<End log>

Request █████████
Dr. F█████ has requested one (1) SCP-500 pill for SCP-038 to test it with SCP-914. Request has been approved.

Dr. F█████ Test Log

Name: Dr. F█████
Total Items: 1x a Copy of SCP-500 from SCP-038.

Input: 1x a Copy of SCP-500 from SCP-038
Setting: Very Fine
Output: A red seed.

"It looks like SCP-500" - Dr. Kaufmann

Later tests on D-███ has shown that it not works like SCP-500.

Experiment Log

(D-███ is a 42 year old German male. Subject has lung cancer.)

Subject was brought into a test chamber with a chair and a table. Camera and audio feed included.

Dr. F█████: We want to test something. Please sit down.
D-███: Ok... but what do you want to test?

Subject sits down.

Dr. F█████: You see that seed on the table?
D-███: Yes, did I have to take that?
Dr. F█████: Yes.
D-███: What can happen if I take it?
Dr. F█████: Well, it could heal your lung cancer.

Subject grabbed the pill. Before taking it, Subject viewed it for a short time.

Dr. F█████: Now take it.

Subject eats the seed.

Dr. F█████: How do you feel?
D-███: I feel.. I.. what have you..?
Dr. F█████: Please describe what you feel.

Subject began to shout and stands up. Subject grabbed the chair and throw it through the room.

Dr. F█████: Stop it!

Subject kicked the table.


It seems that the red seed increased the anger, resistance of pain and the physical strengh of the subject.
Subject has destroyed the table, chair and a part from the test chamber with his fist without showing any pain.

After 13 minutes the subject was lying on the ground and cried for help.
After 20 minutes some branches came from the inside of the subjects stomach.
After 32 minutes the subject was dead and a tree with red leafs was grown from the inside of his body to the outside. He died from blood loss.

"I will not say anything to that. Let's just not test this anymore." - Dr. Kaufmann
Strange that we had some kind of the same idea here "SCP-500" :) But you know it better because you are SCP-500 xD
The red seed was a reference to "Deadly Premonition" i though of. ;D On what do you thought?
So the leafes have the same effect as SCP-500. Thats a good addition.

Input: One (1) hourglass.
Setting: Fine
Last edited by Zarpox on Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: SCP-914 Forum Game

Thanks :)

Output : An hourglass identical in appearance to the input hourglass, however when turned over the sand falls to the bottom forming numbers corresponding to the current year, date and time.

Input : An ipod.
Setting : Very fine.