Friendly update of friendliness

Well my fellow comrades, I have been back from Greece for about 2 and a half weeks now, and I have been very busy, my brother has been using my steam, as usual, and my appearance on steam is now very rare. Some good and bad things have happened. I permanently moved to New York from Volgograd, I can't tell if that is good or bad yet, for I hate the New Yorkers as I do the Russian farmers, I got my foot transplanted so my foot is back and 90something% natural, I got a girlfriend who is willing to help me clean my wounds and scars, which is the main reason I couldn't find one, and I am back to work, I am doing commissions with Nichijou and I did my first one this week, 60 dollars a panel for the manga so I am making good money, and I started playing football again, even though I'm a little old for my league, and a vet, it just gives be advantage right? For all of you on steam, I want you to message me, Swordmaster Yen'fay,: "Milton, Get the fuck off of Steam and let John get back on for fuck's sake." My mother will send me to a gulag if I lay a hand on that little shit so he's basically stolen my computer. Anyways, I'm also back and open to help with audio and mods and projects that were being helped before I left. Thanks all.
The Red Menace

Re: Friendly update of friendliness

Nice hearing from you again comrade.
I had to hit myself when you said Nichijou though, I love that one.
Good to hear life is beginning to treat you well.
What fun is there in making sense?
Now, if you will excuse me i have some chaos to wreak.
Resident forum robot monkey, and chaos incarnate.

Re: Friendly update of friendliness

LukeDude759 wrote:Not sure I want to know what a gulag is, so I'll just message your steam account without asking any questions. :P
I think a gulag is basically slums for russians who work in police/army...I hate google sometimes
A true friend is somebody who stands by you and comforts you when you feel down, this is why I love fridge raiders

Re: Friendly update of friendliness

INFINITE561 wrote:
LukeDude759 wrote:Not sure I want to know what a gulag is, so I'll just message your steam account without asking any questions. :P
I think a gulag is basically slums for russians who work in police/army...I hate google sometimes
No, a gulag is a soviet work camp for dissenters and those being silenced by the gov't or convicted of crimes.
The Red Menace