Fan Made Smilies - Moved

Fan Made Smilies!
Moved to off topic since I feel like it makes more sense.
"As a person who's dedicated and love pixelated art, I asked, why the hell not make some few more smilies to use as there is obviously not every single SCP as a smilies.
I will say one thing: I'm no master Pixel Artist and is far from the worlds best and can replicate almost exact style as the smilies, in fact, I'm not pro or anything, just above average and I'm sure the original person who designed those are far far better than me and surpasses everything, I just wanted to do this for fun." - Copy from other one.

I'll add all the SCPs from there back here now.

SCP-012 Bad Composition
SCP-049's Doctor Bag - Darkened
SCP-714 Jaded Ring - Darkened
A Symmetrical SCP-714
SCP-458 Neverending Pizza Box
SCP-735 Insult Box
SCP-912 Autonomous SWAT Armor
SCP-005 Skeleton Key (Request By Cpbald)
[EXPLETIVE] Done for fun, used the base of the original creator if you don't mind.
SCP-1025 Encyclopaedia Of Common Diseases (Request by Cpbald)
SCP-650 Startling Statue (Request by Cpbald)
SCP-999 Tickle Monster (Request by Combine)
SCP-066 Eric's Toy (Request by Combine)
SCP-066-2 Eric's Toy (Request by Combine)
As an added extra bonus, these two marks of Doctor Philip Oswald "Trex" (Left) and Doctor Arrianna Rosalene. (Right)
This will not be done again.
Thats all there, I will accept requests provided its not incredibly difficult to do.
Last edited by Ramnesia on Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:45 am, edited 12 times in total.

Re: Fan Made Smilies - Moved

After long times of being away due to business.
I'm back.
I'm proud a bit to see new comments for once.
I've darked down
as a request from "That Same Anon".
As well as added SCP-1025 and SCP-650 for Cpbald.

Remember, provided I come on this site regularly, I'm accepting requests any time.

Re: Fan Made Smilies - Moved

The ring doesn't look too good, a personal recommendation is to have drawn like, half the ring only with black lineart, then copied that, flipped it horizontally and put it next to the incomplete part, so that it becomes more symmetrical.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: Fan Made Smilies - Moved

Irontaco wrote:The ring doesn't look too good, a personal recommendation is to have drawn like, half the ring only with black lineart, then copied that, flipped it horizontally and put it next to the incomplete part, so that it becomes more symmetrical.
Yes I do see the SCP-714 looking a bit bent, but that's to add a bit of an effect to it laying. I have done it symmetrical in case you want it like that.

Right here ->