Why the ocean isn’t full of Husks (Lore Idea/crafting suggestion)

From what i ve seen husk are incredibly fast at taking over an entire sub, so this got me wondering why isn’t the entire ocean isn’t infected with the Husk Vrius. So i came up with my own little bit of Lore/Creature Biology. In the Pre-Alpha build that everyone has access to you see little fish in the background that you cant interact with (ill call them guppies). My theory is that these guppies create a enzyme that either cures or greatly slows the husk infection. So the reason why every creature isn’t a Husk is because they would eat the guppies and obsorb the enzymes and either slow or cure themselves of the Husk Infection.
Saying this it would be nice to change the recipe for Claxinde to requiring some of this enzyme that must be refined for human use. This enzyme could be gathered with relative easy by going out side with a syringe or device and sucking some blood out of the guppies to be refined into a cure.

I have heard that research on monsters may be added so adding a device to suck some blood out for analysis wouldn’t be a bad idea in my opinion.
Just your average drug addicted Medic

Re: Why the ocean isn’t full of Husks (Lore Idea/crafting suggestion)

I’m open to suggestions, also here’s another idea I had:
The aliens before us had created a cure to the husk parasite (as maybe they made the husks themselves on accident, causing there extinction) and the ruins pump it into the surrounding waters but the farther away from the ruins you are the more husks and husk infected creatures there are. You would need a filtering device to extract cure from the water but it’s rather slow until you get close to the ruins where the cure is more plentiful making the machine go much faster
Just your average drug addicted Medic

Re: Why the ocean isn’t full of Husks (Lore Idea/crafting suggestion)

I’m just kinda confused how the Husks haven’t completely taken over Europa because of how fast and easy it is for it to spread. sense it can also infect Europa’s native wildlife (the devs plan on adding husk infected creatures) there’s really no limitation on the infection lore wise currently I don’t see how the ocean isn’t a husk at this point. Even if there originally rare there has been escaped samples so it should easily be able to take over the ocean
Just your average drug addicted Medic