Re: SCP-860

GMplum666 wrote:Only one question, SCP-860 is already in the game? it has even a loading screen...
The Area isnt imported and wont be for a bit. It is Very technical with the creatures AI and the forests seamless Tiles. It is Done with modeling and all the pieces are going through a Texture process. It will take a bit. But glad to hear your concerned!

Re: SCP-860

Destructoid wrote:Chris seems extra excited. We are too. Tell me something real quick, is texturing a pain in the ass? I hear it is.
Oh Im very excited. Stating i Modeled Everything for it. Texturing Is a pain at its most. And there will be some shocking Things within. And uhh. Off topic. There's a new SCP Being added. His model and room is done. Textures are almost done. It is keter. And it is awesome.

Re: SCP-860

chris0matic wrote:
Destructoid wrote:Chris seems extra excited. We are too. Tell me something real quick, is texturing a pain in the ass? I hear it is.
Oh Im very excited. Stating i Modeled Everything for it. Texturing Is a pain at its most. And there will be some shocking Things within. And uhh. Off topic. There's a new SCP Being added. His model and room is done. Textures are almost done. It is keter. And it is awesome.
What's with all the secrecy? I can't take it! 682 is keter! Is it him?
Heheh, you said a bad word.

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