List of Barotrauma's Types of Players

Safe- This trait does not mean somebody is hostile towards normal players.

Euclid- This trait does not mean somebody is hostile towards normal players, but they pretty often are.

Keter- Generally hostile towards normal players. Players having at least one keter trait are to be handcuffed, isolated from the rest of submarine or killed on sight.

Normal players are considered on this list to be friendly towards mission progression and players, who didn't do anything against the mission.

Class: Safe

Novice players are new players to Barotrauma, who most likely just died in the tutorial and want now to be one of the more useful crew members on the board in multiplayer. They either are scared to attack other players or they truly want to help them win. Novice players can be recognized after their slow reaction time, usual questioning about most basic stuff and intentional playing as assistants due to assistant being described as a job for novices. One of their leading causes of deaths are the following:

*Equipping a diving suit without oxygen tank.
*Overloading reactor.
*Opening doors outside submarine without a diving suit.
*Death penalty due to committing something they didn't knew was bad.
Single Player Adventurer:
Class: Safe

Either, because they have connection trouble in multiplayer or they hate griefers in there those players are setting sails with A.I. controlled characters on their own campaign save files safely from other players, who either have below average IQ or are hostile to them. Even if they are hostile themselves to other players or their own A.I. crew, they won't pose a threat to other players in single player, since they only can harm bots or themselves.
Class: Keter

Griefers are mass saboteurs ready to destroy in a very short time entire submarine to prevent mission from being completed already on very start. They most often do that by overloading reactor, stealing fuel rods or unwiring everything they can. No mercy should be implemented towards their in-game characters.
Forum Activist:
Class: Safe

Less or more active forum activists have different goals on Undertow Games forum. One is publishing own submarines, while other is making lists like this one.
Nick Switcher:
Class: Euclid

Nick switchers are most often players, who just before tried to do something against the crew and they logged out after they succeeded or failed to do so. They change their nicks after doing so and they return to server to destroy stuff again. Most Barotrauma players consider behaviour like this as a crime and server hosts often permanently ban IP addresses of players often changing nicks.
Submarine Creator:
Class: Safe

Submarine creators are often familiar with wiring and are often the only people, who know how to fix unwired devices by griefers or devices wired badly by other submarine creators on the submarine. Submarine creators most often share their work by creating own servers or by forum posts and are usually friendly to players. They often accept feedback. It is unknown what is the percentage of Barotrauma players, who publicly released at least one submarine. Submarine creators are sometimes smart players.
Class: Safe

A person making mods greater or lesser for Barotrauma and shares them most often by making posts on the forum. They sometimes accept feedback. Modders are usually smart players and they are familiar with xml files.
Class: Euclid

Russians are most recognizable for their cyrillic dialogues or nicknames. At least 80% of them is hostile towards foreigners and they don't hide it. If a hostile Russian notices a foreigner on a Russian language server he will either vote kick or ban permanently that user, even when that user is capable of speaking Russian. Russian players are most often freekills and will kill anyone they see on sight killing even fellow Russians, once they get rid of foreigners. Once a Russian however has to be friendly towards crew and mission's objective he is actually often pretty useful and sometimes may ensure the mission being successful. Russians sometimes can speak English only on beginner level.
Class: Safe

Above average or higher IQ players, who quickly react on major events on submarine during the voyage. They examine new submarines first, before doing something more serious on them. If a submarine doesn't have something set for it's maximum output a smart player will try to make it do so. Smart players sometimes use advanced and unusual ways to deal with trouble in order to surprise their enemies. They also use gamepedia and preform personal experiments to gain knowledge, that can be traded into result.
Class: Keter

Freekills are players, who will simply kill anyone or almost anyone they spot on their sight, just because they can. If they won't they will wait for the moment to do so or change their mentality to a griefer for a moment to sabotage devices on submarine, which would lead to deaths of people. Russians are often freekills either fully or partially.
Class: Euclid

Clowns are players, who will find clown's mask and costume to use them in order to prank or kill other players in the symbolic way for Barotrauma's design. Clowns often telegraph their occurrence on submarine and distance from players by using a bike horn with a characteristic "Honk" sound effect or by making loud footsteps with costume's shoes. Their clown's mask also makes them unable to use radio chat as the mask already occupies headset slot.
Solo Adventurer:
Class: Safe

Uncommon kind of Barotrauma's player, who either by his fate or own decision has to make a mission solo without even the help of A.I. crew members. They only have one simple rule:
1.If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.
Class: Safe

Polish players are various intelligence level Barotrauma players often becoming angry if they die or a mission is failed. They love to speak Polish language with fellow Poles if they can and they sometimes (at least more often than Americans) use multimedia to cooperate with fellow Poles as a team or teachers to them. They (there are incidents) don't kill foreigners reasonlessly and may even speak English with them. Poles sometimes for short time create their own Barotrauma servers named after their nicknames, but none of them wants to have them work 24 hours all the time.
Class: Safe

Veteran players are experienced players to Barotrauma, who spend months or years in the game to become specialists, who can use all the knowledge they gained to achieve the goal they want to. They are often using in-game chat to instruct less experienced players what to do or warn them about something. They rarely have a favourite job as they most often pick a job they feel they will be most useful at specified rounds. Veteran players does not have to be rambo style gamers.
Autocratic Server's Host:
Class: Euclid

Autocratic hosts of Barotrauma servers decide the settings of the servers by their own and disallows voting on them completely. Players cannot personally ask the host to make changes as the host sets his server for his own desires, not even automatic restart is enabled. Sometimes the host is trolling and banning unfairly players, who oppose him making mission impossible to finish.
Democratic Server's Host:
Class: Safe

Democratic hosts are generally friendly towards players. Their servers run on a voting based system of game. They will also ban players, who are breaking the fun of the other players intentionally.
Overly Liberal Server's Host:
Class: Euclid

Same as democratic host, but will never ban anyone from the server as in his opinion..
.. it is against the freedom of the choice.
Class: Safe

Either players, who do nothing about submarine being in trouble, because they want it to have trouble or novices, who don't really know what to do about it. Some things are sure. They are motionless and speechless doing it. They may make few slow moves and almost speak nothing.
Class: Safe


AFK players are idle players, who are not even playing the game at the moment, but they're characters are still on the server and are valuable to be damaged.
Class: Safe

German players are uncommon to Barotrauma. Those players are in general friendly towards anyone, except of saboteurs or mass murders. They will very often help the crew go through the mission and are self disciplined if so. If they have to dislike somebody except of griefers or freekills those are Poles and Russians. Germans usually speak correctly English at intermediate or higher level.
Hunter of Traitors:
Class: Safe

Hunter of traitors is a commonly friendly, but not trustworthy player who will always go rogue during at least "Maybe" possibility of traitors on board or higher until potential traitor gets cuffed, isolated or killed. He tries however not to kill or cuff anyone on sight reasonlessly as he has nearly always no bad intentions towards mission progression.
Rambo Traitor:
Class: Keter

Players, who try to kill entire crew instead of only the target during a mission. They are considered to be destructive, but also they are commonly considered to be freekills for a reason (it's not true).

More entries coming soon. Be free to give your own ideas for entries.
Last edited by rico6822 on Tue Aug 21, 2018 11:51 am, edited 23 times in total.
Barotrauma submarine designer- rico6822