Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

GIMLI_2 wrote:great improvement!

you still can see 173 "walking" down the stairs even if you approach it
Thanks for the feedback. Are you talking about these stairs here:
I was using a box collider for the railing so raycasts weren't passing through, I've gone ahead and separated the railing from the rest of the mesh and will use a mesh collider so that rays do pass through.
Zackonark wrote:You can expect the vid by Wednesday. No guarantees though. I'm a full time college student on top of a 10 hour night shift, so upload date may vary.
No worries, take your time. I am also a college student so I totally get it! I'll probably have a small bugfix patch out by then as well.

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

Sorry about the watermarks. Damn OBS wouldn't record the game for more than 3 seconds.

It seems your 173 vision detection system is just about there. I noticed that 173 can travel toward the player while a door is shutting.

The controls took a little time to get used to, especially since the mouse is so sensitive in this game. I'd even turned my mouse sensitivity down in my PC's settings, and any quick movement would still send my vision flying.

Also, 173 moves pretty slowly. There's a point where I blinked right in front of him and he didn't kill me.

All that said, this is very nice. I like the dynamic lighting. All the issues it has are solely because the project is taking its first steps. Keep up the good work!
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
Official Website

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

Zackonark wrote:[youtube]iOmDPGOtgpE[/youtube]
Sorry about the watermarks. Damn OBS wouldn't record the game for more than 3 seconds.

It seems your 173 vision detection system is just about there. I noticed that 173 can travel toward the player while a door is shutting.

The controls took a little time to get used to, especially since the mouse is so sensitive in this game. I'd even turned my mouse sensitivity down in my PC's settings, and any quick movement would still send my vision flying.

Also, 173 moves pretty slowly. There's a point where I blinked right in front of him and he didn't kill me.

All that said, this is very nice. I like the dynamic lighting. All the issues it has are solely because the project is taking its first steps. Keep up the good work!
Awesome, thanks so much for taking the time to play through the current build! I appreciate your feedback.

It looks like a lot of people are saying 173 is too slow, so I'll be updating its speed. In addition, perhaps a small options menu wouldn't be amiss, with sliders for volume, mouse sensitivity, etc

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

Okay, got OBS working properly. YAY!

Anyway, I've noticed a couple other things. The mouse doesn't center itself to the window. I don't know if this is all the time, or is a randomly occurring bug, but I do see it pop in and out of the window as I play as if the game wasn't running at all.

The text on the loading screen is shifted a little to the right for me.

SCP-012's containment poster isn't scaled properly. Instead it's tiled onto the wall, so there's four smaller posters where one big one should be.

The key card does not appear in my inventory when I collect it.

Sometimes when I pause the game or access the command console, the game itself freezes up, and I'm forced to restart it. Fortunately I can still access the pause menu when this happens, so I don't have to restart the game entirely.

Also, is there a day and night cycle?
I'm a lead developer of the SCP Containment Breach Unity Remake. Check it out! You might enjoy it
Official Website

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

Zackonark wrote:Okay, got OBS working properly. YAY!

Anyway, I've noticed a couple other things. The mouse doesn't center itself to the window. I don't know if this is all the time, or is a randomly occurring bug, but I do see it pop in and out of the window as I play as if the game wasn't running at all.
Is this in windowed mode or fullscreen? Unity...doesn't always keep the mouse centered
The text on the loading screen is shifted a little to the right for me.
Cool, this is an easy fix
SCP-012's containment poster isn't scaled properly. Instead it's tiled onto the wall, so there's four smaller posters where one big one should be.
Uhhhhh. Not sure how that happened, but I'll take a look at it!
The key card does not appear in my inventory when I collect it.
Yeah I'm still working on keycards, thanks for the reminder haha!
Sometimes when I pause the game or access the command console, the game itself freezes up, and I'm forced to restart it. Fortunately I can still access the pause menu when this happens, so I don't have to restart the game entirely.
Oh, that's unfortunate! If that happens again, could you exit the game and then send me the output_log.txt file so that I can debug it? Eventually there might be a button to email me the log from the console which will make things a lot easier
Also, is there a day and night cycle?
Not currently but there might be! Dimensions handle their own lighting and could theoretically have a day night cycle eventually, why do you ask?

Re: Containment Breach Unity Edition (2016) - Indev build 2 is out! (10.29.16)

ENDERMANLIKE wrote:I tried to download and check this out and for some reason it said "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher." Oh no! Did 079 somehow manage to hack computers in the End so only SCP Containment Breach can work instead of Unity Containment Breach? Or am i overreacting and it's just a bug...
What are your computer specs?