012 not appearing

Minor gripe on my end, sometimes when I use the key-card to enter 012's chamber it doesn't show, the door and box are missing and the cognitohazard doesn't affect me. I had the same problem in my last version (7.1)and it rarely shows up in my game but it is annoying. Don't know if anyone else has been having the same problem?

Re: 012 not appearing

I do. Some other things I noticed were the switches on the console, they seem to be missing, as well as the door to the room that the SCP is actually in. Just an empty doorway. The switch labeled Door is there, but I can't even try to interact with it, and it is stuck in the middle, neither up nor down. Also, I think I remember a light above the sign warning that the lights are on. There is not one now. And of course, as the object appears to be missing, there is no effect forcing my character into the room.

This happened when I loaded a save that I have right before opening the door with the keycard. Reloaded my game a few times, problem persists.