SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

If any one can give me their opinions and information as to how it would be done would be appreciated. P.S. I know how much of a pain in the tail it would be to try and port the FULL version of this game to 360. And please, no hating I 'm just asking for opinions. :)
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

It's not worth the trouble, the same has been discussed with Android or iOS ports and there tends to be too much issues to face to do such a thing, considering Blitz can't run in these systems most likely and you'd have to convert the code to another language that could possibly perform optimally in these systems first. SCP:CB is mostly designed to be an simple PC indie game so i don't quite disagree with keeping the game only to this platform. Not to mention Regalis probably wouldn't be able to release the game on XBOX due to the fees that it tends to ask for beforehand. After all, we're talking about a game made by a single guy in his free time and not an AAA games company.

Of course, we can still discuss possibilities since there have been some conversions on the makes which we are not quite sure when they will be finished.

roger copy bravo tango mango

Re: SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

I don't know, The possibilities are kind of slim for the 360. I mean look at Blue Isle Studios with Slender the Arrival, They made a good profit(10$ a pop) but the xbox 360 port which they are working on is a slow and tedious process Even though they aren't a AAA company; they still have more staff than Regalis. Maybe we could get in with Blue Isle Studios?(I'm sure Regalis doesn't want to hand over the title he worked so hard on)
History is written by the victor~Winston Churchill

Re: SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

Um, you do realize that the entire SCP Foundation is made by a bunch of people who writes for free and everything.

If Regalis do decide to make SCPCB retail for any kinds of platform, wouldn't that kinda be pissing off the original authors?

One solution is to make it free for all platforms, but i think most publisher won't agree to that.

Blitz3D is also a PC only engine, no way this thing's getting on an iPad or PS, or even XBox.

In the end, there's no way to port it to anywhere even if Regalis want to.
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Re: SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

CLgaming wrote:I'm not entirely against an Xbox port. Xbox is actually kinda good, it's just the community in general that's made of complete sjit..
The problem isn't that the Xbox is bad. The problem is that the trouble of getting the game onto it, or any console for that matter, makes it seem entirely useless. The game works fine on the PC, and nearly every computer, except for extremely outdated ones, can run it.

Why do we need a port for a game that doesn't even warrant it?

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Omniary: fuck you anglerfish can't smell
Dr. Trialtrex21: how you know bitch
Omniary: it probably could smell you though
could probably smell your fucking dank ass nasty powersuit structure gel trog ass enslaved protein bullshit sloshing in your suit from a mile away

Re: SCP Containment breach Xbox 360 Edtion. Yes or no?

This is like the third thread we've had for this one topic. I highly doubt anyone will make a 360 version for this game since it'll take money to convert it into a 360 game, update it and even put it in the marketplace will cost money. So they'd have to make money off the game and that would be copyright. I wish there was a 360 version but the simple answer is no.
Sometimes i need to know when to stop so i dont get my ass handled
