Re: (W.I.P) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

Thanks for the support.

Good news, managed to replace the load screen, rename level names in the menu and finished the GATE A ending. The game mod will be semi-linear with sandbox level areas with non-linear levels(not like Mirror's Edge's campaign) if I won't play with the level save stuffs. Lots of rooms have already been made. Will try to make it as close to the original CB... I will try to experiment more with modifying game files (don't really care about the base game, since everything is replaced).

Edit: Added custom bot templates, making MTFs will be 500% easier to make.
Works only in editor... Derp.

Re: (W.I.P) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

Wow, this looks absolutely amazing! I can't believe I've never heard of this!

And you did this with the broken Mirror's Edge editor? That is amazing! :D

I've done a lot of work with UDK/Unreal 3, and I actually just bought Unreal 4 too. Let me know if there's any way I could help! I'd be all over it in a heartbeat!

Looking forward to seeing more from ya! :)
Hey, if you've got a minute why not check out my modeling portfolio here!
Also be sure to check out my current project Equestrian Terrors!

Re: (W.I.P) Mirror's Edge: Containment Breach

Note: Mirror's Edge is on Unreal Engine 3. I've got UE4 with 1 month license, but I'm not using it. Also the files I'm sending through PMs are files which unlock the editor on Mirror's Edge.
++Focus++ wrote:
Abincyprus wrote:I don't know if the load screens should have lore placed in them, next to images. Load screen design wanted. :)
I could do something with Paint.NET and GIMP (and maybe Microsoft Paint if needed). Just PM me what you need and I'll try to make it.
Never use MSPaint.
PM if you got a nice suggestion, will credit you.